Sitcoms were never quite the same after The Simpsons. The original show was not a fluke, and indeed three more sequel series would follow… and now we’re on the verge of getting yet another in Star Trek: Discovery. And finally, the adventures of the Enterprise-D stood as a testament to the enduring appeal and adaptability of the Star Trek concept.

TNG was also a trendsetter in the strange galaxy known as first-run syndication for dramatic series, helping to prove that television did not have to be constrained to the big three networks, long before cable dramas and streaming Emmy winners were the norm. Not only did star Patrick Stewart elevate the series, and the genre, with his Shakespearean-trained approach, but Next Gen’s continued mining of the vast Star Trek universe for thought-provoking, exciting, and often relevant to the here and now stories mirrored and sometimes outmatched The Original Series. And while many fans eyed Captain Picard and his crew warily at first - and rightfully so considering the series’ first couple of shaky years - this new take on the voyage of the starship Enterprise eventually earned its own place among great sci-fi television. Star Trek was already legendary and iconic by the time the first spin-off series, The Next Generation, arrived in 1987. Is it beautiful? Well-written and acted? Does it feel like must-see TV?

There may be more great television on the air now than ever before, but the truth is that television has always been a fantastic way to tell thoughtful, slow-burn character stories, or to slowly unfurl a tightly-wound mystery. Even “genre” TV has been elevated to new heights thanks to gorgeous and vivid shows like Lost and Game of Thrones. Sharp and subversive comedies like Arrested Development and Parks and Recreation are fantastic to binge watch.

Dramas like Breaking Bad and The Wire have kept us on the edge of our seats. We’ve been enjoying a Golden Age of Television for well over a decade now, and it’s been absolutely epic.